Research Support


本学では、研究大学強化促進事業の一環として、国際化の推進、未踏領域・未科学への挑戦、イノベーションの創出を加速させるため、学際・国際・人際融合事業「知の越境」融合チーム研究プログラム(SPIRITS : Supporting Program for InteRaction-based Initiative Team Studies)の募集を行っています。

As part of the MEXT-sponsored Program for Promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities, we invite applications for ‘SPIRITS’ (Supporting Program for InteRaction-based Initiative Team Studies), a trans-border program consisting of interdisciplinary, international, and interpersonal areas, aiming to accelerate the internationalization of Kyoto University by creating an environment that encourages pushing the boundaries of frontier research and protosciences, and promotes the creation of innovative practices.

SPIRITS Information
