Research Support

Education of Bioinformatics and Data Mining for Young Scientists

Project Gist

Education of Bioinformatics and Data Mining for Young Scientists


Bioinformatics, National Institutes of Health, Collaborations between institute of technology and school of medicine, anti-cancer treatment

Background, Purpose, and Project Achievements

National Institute of Health (NIH) in USA has taken great initiative to carry out medical research such as Encode Project and Cancer Pharmaco Genomics, and deposited resulting huge data in public open database. You will be able to test your hypotheses by mining open database using computer at home. The aim of our project is to expose young scientists to cutting edge mining and construction of database in NIH.

Future Prospects

Female scientists having kids have a great handicap in Biology and Medicine, since you must work long hours in the laboratory. Bioinformatics is suitable for many super intelligent female scientists studying in Kyoto University. This is because they can work at home, and their super intelligence is essential for success in Bioinformatics. Data mining will be rapidly increasing in importance in Biology and Medicine. Female scientists will overcome their handicap by studying Bioinformatics.

Principal Investigator

TAKEDA Shunichi

・TAKEDA Shunichi
・Department of Radiation Genetics, Graduate School of Medicine
・I graduated from Faculty of Medicine at Osaka University in 1980. After clinical training for a year, I started to research at Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University (Prof. Honjo’s Lab). I changed my research subject from immunology to radiation biology. I’m developing a research using the data mining.