Research Support

Analysis of factors associated with schism between community needs and medical academia using epidemiological, economical and sociological approaches

Project Gist

Analysis of factors associated with schism between community needs and medical academia using multidisciplinary approaches


medical academia、medical needs、medical human resource、health claim data

Background, Purpose, and Project Achievements

The roles of medical academia are not only to deepen our understanding of diseases through research and education but also to contribute our knowledge to the health of the community. The successful implementation of the latter, especially, requires good communication with the residents and understanding their specific health needs. Despite our efforts, the academic medical professionals and the local residents have failed to build an effective network. Previous studies identified several factors that may limit medical academia to meet such needs. The systematic analysis of the factors with epidemiological, economical, and sociological method, however, is necessary to identify the true key issues and develop a strategy to facilitate the communication in this relationship. This is because political changes are always partial which are based on the requests from every stakeholder. In the current study, we employed multidisciplinary method with international research team by recruiting persons with medical background who are working in various fields all over the world to elucidate various factors supposed to interfere with the medical academia and community needs.

Future Prospects

Further discussion will be deepened at the World Health Summit Regional Meeting Asia, Kyoto 2015, hosted by Kyoto University in April 2015. The results will be presented at the World Health Summit 2015, held in Berlin in October 2015. Research with health insurance claim data, which is well discussed during the research period, will be advanced even after the project period is over.


World Health Summit

Principal Investigator


・FUKUHARA Shunichi
・Graduate School of Medicine
・I started my career as a clinician, and devoted myself to clinical practice for 10 years. In fact I never planned to become a researcher, but one day it became clear that clinical investigation was my true path. Now my younger colleagues and I do clinical epidemiology research to solve problems in healthcare.