Research Support

Multi-institutional genomic research for personalized medicine to treat age-related macular degeneration

Project Gist

Personalized medicine for age-related macular degeneration


age-related macular degeneration, anti-VEGF treatment, personalized medicine, genome

Background, Purpose, and Project Achievements

Age-related macular degeneration is a major cause of progressive, irreversible visual impairment among elderly populations in developed countries. The subtype distribution is different between Asian patients and Caucasian patients. In this study, we performed collaborative analysis in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Genome-wide association studies for anti-VEGF treatment outcome were meta-analyzed to find genetic polymorphisms for personalized medicine.

Future Prospects

We will analysis the treatment outcome after new anti-VEGF drug and find genetic polymorphisms associated with the outcome, which will lead to personalized medicine for age-related macular degeneration.

Principal Investigator


・Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine
・Working on to develop better patient care of retinal diseases and glaucoma.