Research Support

Development of a comprehensive medical innovation program utilizing educational methods in the field of emergency medicine

Project Gist

Building an educational program for general companies to develop human resources with on-site sense and medical data analysis skills


medical data, human resource development, unmet medical needs

Background and Purpose

In recent years, the use of various data generated in the medical field has been promoted. However, the analysis can be “misinterpreted” without considering the deviation between the data and actual clinical situation.
In this project, participants from general companies will be invited to provide an observation environment for emergency medical care for variable patients, while combining educational content such as clinical epidemiology and medical informatics. We aim to develop a highly practical on-site observation program and connect it to human resource development. It also aims to discover the needs required in the medical field from the perspective of companies and create ideas to solve them.

Project Achievements

In 2021, 3 participants and in 2022, 6 participants took this course from general companies or health insurance services. Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, all lectures were provided online, and site visits were restricted. The program was implemented through trial and error, but the feedback from the participants was generally good, and the results were satisfactory. The results were presented at 50th annual meeting of the Japanese Association of Acute Medicine. We built a network between medical professionals and the companies that participated in this project, shared new findings obtained through the program, and prepared to advance research leading to commercialization.

Future Prospects

In order to make the results of these two years even more solid, we will continue to deepen exchanges, including online, with the participants after the course. We will follow up with them so that they will be involved in this project as instructors in the future and aim to commercialize the ideas which were born during the program.


Course curriculum
When visiting the emergency department, during times when patients were not brought in, the participants had an experience that helped them understand the position of medical staff and patients.

Principal Investigator

YUNOKI Tomoyuki

YUNOKI Tomoyuki
Department of Primary Care and Emergency Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital
Dr. Yunoki graduated from Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine. His specialties include general emergency medicine, intensive care, acute care surgery, cardiology, and infectious disease. He is also interested in traditional Chinese herbal medicine as next research theme. He likes playing the guitar, swimming, cycling, and running long distance.

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