Research Support

NEUro-Reactive OrGanic learning enHancement via Omni STimulation (NeuroGhost)

Project Gist

Manipulation of brain activity by deep brain stimulation using organic devices


deep brain stimulation, transcranical, primates, perceptual learning

Background and Purpose

The brain wave is always traveling. In recent years, it has become clear that this spontaneous activity is not just noise, but that certain patterns are latent and that these state changes are involved in perception and learning. An international joint research team consisting of researchers from four countries has been established to investigate the effects of manipulating spontaneous brain activity by electrical transcranical stimulation on perceptual learning.

Project Achievements

With the support of the SPIRITS project, we were able to establish an international collaborative research network among four research institutes in Japan, France, Hungary and Canada. In the first year, two European teams, whose travel restrictions were lifted, conducted collaborative experiments using rodents, and in the second year, we could conduct a collaborative experiment using non-human primates at Kyoto University, with a young researcher from Hungary. The project also led to the acquisition of research grants.

Future Prospects

We would like to continue the international collaborative research network formed over the past two years, which will lead to the publication of research results in co-authored papers.


Collaborative experiment

Principal Investigator


Center for the Evolutionary Origins for Human Behavior
She has been interested in neural networks involved in emotion and communication in primates. She is studying them using a variety of techniques, including functional MRI experiments in humans, brain activity recording experiments in monkeys, and the development of animal models of psychiatric diseases.

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